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How a Smile Makeover Can Improve Your Appearance and Confidence

Your smile is the first thing most people notice about you and the characteristic they tend to remember the longest. Fair or not, human beings tend to associate bright, straight teeth with youth and overall health.

A faulty smile can negatively impact your self-confidence and overall satisfaction with your appearance, which can make it difficult to smile naturally as you engage with other people. A smile makeover can restore your self-confidence as you gain the smile you’ve always desired.

What’s included in a smile makeover?

A smile makeover is generally categorized as cosmetic dentistry with the goal of improving the things you don’t like about your smile. This could include:

Depending on the extent of your makeover, you may require one or several procedures over a few months to achieve your goal. Your makeover may entail:

At Madison Family Dental Group, Shiva Salehi, DDS also focuses on your oral health during a smile makeover. She addresses dental decay and treats receding or irritated gums and other issues due to gum disease or aging factors. She offers advanced cleaning techniques to remove bone destroying tartar below the gumline.

Every case is unique, and Dr. Salehi works closely with you to develop a smile makeover plan that fits your individual needs.

Keeping it natural

As a skilled cosmetic dentist with extensive experience in recreating smiles for her patients, Dr. Salehi is careful to provide a new smile that fits with the contours and overall appearance of your face.

The goal of tooth whitening, for instance, is to brighten your smile to a shade that’s whiter but not so white it looks unnatural. Fillings should blend with your natural tooth color and become essentially invisible. Your teeth should also fit the size and shape of your face without overpowering your expression. Dr. Salehi considers these and other vital factors as she develops a plan for your makeover.  

You can also expect an ongoing care and maintenance plan that keeps your makeover vibrant and your smile healthy.

Getting started with your smile makeover

Changes in your smile begin with a comprehensive exam that includes a detailed discussion about your options with Dr. Salehi. She helps you weigh the cost, time commitment, and benefits of undergoing a smile makeover and makes suggestions about solutions you might consider.

Dental implants, for instance, are the gold standard for replacing one or more missing teeth because they’re the next best thing to natural. However, it can take several months to complete the implant process. A faster tooth replacement would include a bridge or partial dentures. Dr. Salehi can help you select your best smile option. 

Whether you’re struggling with several dental issues that keep you from smiling or are simply interested in whitening and brightening dull teeth, a smile makeover can improve your confidence about your appearance.

Schedule a visit today at Madison Family Dental Group. Call the office in Fair Oaks, California, or book your appointment online.

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